Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Research Papers = Not cool !

I’ve learned that research is very complex and if you don't do it right, it could mess up your entire paper. You can't just get research from any place, especially online. There are some websites that don't state facts that can be proven, their just people's opinion on a topic. Some sites that end in EDU or GOV are the most reliable. EDU stands for education and GOV stands for government. Www.About.com and www.ask.com aren’t the world’s best reliable sources for a research paper because the information is based on people’s points of view.

Writing a research paper was definitely a learning experience for me, considering I wrote my first one for Psychology. I knew nothing about it and I didn’t know at exactly what angle to start from. High School never prepared me for research papers. I actually had to Google how to write a research paper because I had no clue. After looking at about 5 examples and formats, I started to get the hang of how to start it and how to expand a 4 word question into a 4 page research paper.

If writing a research paper is difficult, don’t wait till the last minute to do it. The time frame and not knowing what to write will stress you out and cause you to break down and most likely give up. Start ahead of time, so you have time to review it and to edit if you see you could add more or take out some.

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