Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World Summary

This was definitely the weirdest story I've ever read.

This odd story was about a dead man who washed up on shore of a beach, in a small village. But this wasn't an ordinary man, he was a BIG man. So big he barely fit through the door of the house and he couldn't properly fit on the table neither, "...almost as much as a horse."
The village only had 20 houses and there were only 7 men, so they knew that this man was a stranger. The village woman decided to have a funeral for him because it would be the right thing to do. So they cleaned all of the seaweed and scales off of him. But none of their clothes could fit him, so they had to sew clothes from a boat sail. As they cleaned him up, they noticed that he was extremely handsome. And he was "...the tallest, strongest, most vile, and best built man they had ever seen..." They started comparing their husbands to "Esteban" (that's what they named him) and said men are "...the weakest, meanest, and most useless creatures on earth."
The woman then started to think what life he lived before he died. They thought it must have been difficult for him to go through doors or sit in normal chairs because he was so big, how could he fit.
When the woman finished dressing him for his funeral, one of them put a handkerchief on his face for respect. When one of them took it off, even the men agreed that he was handsome. The women's friends came, with flowers after flowers. And finally they tossed him overboard back into the water.
"Esteban" definitely didn't do say anything to have an effect on the village people. But he opened their eyes to things they didn't see before he arrived. They re-did all of the houses and made them big, in honor of "Esteban's" size. They widened the doorway, they made their floors steadier, paint the houses bright happy colors and make the ceiling higher. They considered the village, "Esteban's" .

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