Monday, March 28, 2011

Self- Review (A. in W)

1. Introduction:
A. My paper introduces it's topic by saying that the book, Alice in Wonderland has a deeper meaning than just imagination.
B. The first sentence is attention-getting and relevant.

2. The thesis statement is: " Alice's personality displays an act of a defense mechanism, known as Regression."

3. Structure:
A. Yes. The 1st paragraph introduces Alice in Wonderland, why I'm writing the essay and who came up with the defense mechanism, Regression.
B. How Alice is Regressive and proof from the text.
C. Yes, each paragraph does support the next.
D. That Alice is a Regressive because she cries when things get too difficult for her.

4. Clarity/ Style:
A. I don't see any grammar, punctuation, spelling or word usage problems.
B. Yes. Somewhat. After the second paragraph, the essay seems rushed. As if I didn't want to explain why Alice was showing Regression.

5. Resources:
I identified the book I used, but no resources.

I think I explained what Regression is very well and I explained how Alice is. I just need to give feedback and show more examples. And write a conclusion.


lauren75 said...
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lauren75 said...


My peer editor and I agreed on most of my paper. My paragraphs are relevant to each other (#3). I did not cite any sources (#5) and I did not write a conclusion (#3)


My peer editor and I did not agree on some of my paper. For once, I went into detail enough with what Regression is (#4). AND my introductory sentence was attention grabbing (#1). If I read it, I would want to know how there's more meaning to Alice in Wonderland than imagination