Monday, March 14, 2011

My Bologne Has A First Name...

If someone were to ask me " so tell me about yourself? " I can never come up with something to say. I can't just automatically think of random facts about me and just blurt them out. There is A LOT about me !

For one, I loveee animals. I want to become a Veterinary Technician in a couple of years. I have a dog named Tommy, who means the world to me!
I've been called " a white girl " so many times by so many people I lost count. Which I take as a compliment. All because I don't listen to rap music and act loud and obnoxious, I'm considered "white", well if being called "white" means being classy, than thank you.
My favorite show of all time is LOST. I cried during the last episode. I'm a huge fan of Vampire Diaries, and Pretty Little Liars. I can also watch Lifetime movies for hours.
My best friend is Joey. I hang out with her just about everyday. My other best friend is Ducky. I've known her since 7th grade. I rather have a small group of friends, less of my business is spread.
Ummm.. I'm a Taurus, so that means I'm bipolar. And I analyze everything. I notice a lot of little things around me and about the people I hang out with.
I'm not really a party person. I definitely try to stay away from house parties...I don't know why, I just do. Joey is my party " wing-man" .
In conclusion, I am the most faithful texting buddy you will ever have in your life. ( unless your boring ) .

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