Monday, March 28, 2011

Self- Review (A. in W)

1. Introduction:
A. My paper introduces it's topic by saying that the book, Alice in Wonderland has a deeper meaning than just imagination.
B. The first sentence is attention-getting and relevant.

2. The thesis statement is: " Alice's personality displays an act of a defense mechanism, known as Regression."

3. Structure:
A. Yes. The 1st paragraph introduces Alice in Wonderland, why I'm writing the essay and who came up with the defense mechanism, Regression.
B. How Alice is Regressive and proof from the text.
C. Yes, each paragraph does support the next.
D. That Alice is a Regressive because she cries when things get too difficult for her.

4. Clarity/ Style:
A. I don't see any grammar, punctuation, spelling or word usage problems.
B. Yes. Somewhat. After the second paragraph, the essay seems rushed. As if I didn't want to explain why Alice was showing Regression.

5. Resources:
I identified the book I used, but no resources.

I think I explained what Regression is very well and I explained how Alice is. I just need to give feedback and show more examples. And write a conclusion.

Sunday, March 27, 2011 1st Draft

Alice in Wonderland

& Regression

The famous children’s book, Alice in Wonderland has a deeper meaning than just imagination. It ties into psychology as well. The main character, Alice displays behavior related to psychology. The famous Sigmund Freud's daughter, Anna Freud, came up with forty-two Defense Mechanisms, but only eight are commonly used (Repression, Denial, Suppression, Displacement, Sublimation, Projection and Intellectualization). Alice’s personality displays an act of a defense mechanism, known as Regression.

In 1936, Anna Freud came up with Defense Mechanisms and published a book called “The Ego & Defense Mechanism," after being a child psychoanalysis for several years before. Anna believes that people, more specifically children, use defense mechanisms to cope with past traumas that happened in their lives. She also believed that children express their internal and external emotions in a creative way, if they were put under pressure. One of many mechanisms that Alice portrays is regression. Regression is when an individual is faced with stressful circumstances, avoids coping techniques and goes back to old habits from earlier in development.

In the book, Alice in Wonderland, the protagonist, Alice falls down a rabbit hole into this imaginary and bizarre world. With talking animals, card-people, and a Queen that’s obsessed with the phrase, "Off with their heads!”

Wonderland may be an exciting yet peculiar world; it leaves Alice to ponder a lot about it. She would ask numerous questions to the Dormouse and . But what was interesting about Alice, is throughout the book, she acted in a childish manner, in the beginning (Regression). Then towards the ending, Alice began to grow up; literally and mentally. She didn't have the little kid mind set she had once she entered Wonderland.

In chapter 1 of the story, Alice was very immature and anxious, the way any normal 7 year old would be. After Alice entered Wonderland, she found a curtain and went through it. Behind the curtain, she found a liquid in a bottle labeled DRINK ME. Alice hesitantly drank it and described the after taste as leaving her with a “curious feeling.” .After Alice drank the liquid, she began to shrink and realized she forgot the golden key on the table, sitting next to the bottle labeled DRINK ME. Being too small to reach it and being that the table’s legs were too slippery for her to climb up them; Alice began to cry. She shows Regression here because since Alice didn’t get what she wanted, she went back to child-like behavior.

In chapter 2, Alice ate the cake she found under the table and grew. She grew so tall her head hit the ceiling. Alice looked through the garden door and wished she could fit through it . Then she began crying again, But she told herself that she should be ashamed of herself and that she has no reason to cry. Here, Alice shows Regression again because she is faced with an unfortunate circumstance that she cannot seem to find the solution to.

Monday, March 21, 2011


For my English paper on relating Alice in Wonderland to psychology, I'm going to write about how each character has a defense mechanism and show proof. OR I'm going to write about the psychology of eating and relate that to how Alice always eats and drinks something to become either big or small.

I haven't made my decision yet but it will most likely be the psychology of eating.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Alice In Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland is a very strange story. I love it because it has a lot of imagination and creativity. Apart from the other kid stories, I think Alice in Wonderland is the most unique.

There are a lot of versions of Alice In Wonderland too. Theres the SyFy mini-series ' Alice ' and the book ' Through the Looking Glass ' .

Monday, March 14, 2011

My Bologne Has A First Name...

If someone were to ask me " so tell me about yourself? " I can never come up with something to say. I can't just automatically think of random facts about me and just blurt them out. There is A LOT about me !

For one, I loveee animals. I want to become a Veterinary Technician in a couple of years. I have a dog named Tommy, who means the world to me!
I've been called " a white girl " so many times by so many people I lost count. Which I take as a compliment. All because I don't listen to rap music and act loud and obnoxious, I'm considered "white", well if being called "white" means being classy, than thank you.
My favorite show of all time is LOST. I cried during the last episode. I'm a huge fan of Vampire Diaries, and Pretty Little Liars. I can also watch Lifetime movies for hours.
My best friend is Joey. I hang out with her just about everyday. My other best friend is Ducky. I've known her since 7th grade. I rather have a small group of friends, less of my business is spread.
Ummm.. I'm a Taurus, so that means I'm bipolar. And I analyze everything. I notice a lot of little things around me and about the people I hang out with.
I'm not really a party person. I definitely try to stay away from house parties...I don't know why, I just do. Joey is my party " wing-man" .
In conclusion, I am the most faithful texting buddy you will ever have in your life. ( unless your boring ) .